
Showing posts from November, 2021

Tourism in New Normal

  Image by  Mohamed Hassan  from  Pixabay   The pandemic that teaches us what it means to be 'distanced', in the end also teaches us about 'alone time', which unfortunately is understood literally or literally. Physical distancing and self-isolation, forcing us to limit space, and miss all 'traveling' activities without worrying about the threat of a virus that weakens the body.     My friend, an independent entrepreneur who is quite successful in the hospitality business, admitted that she was overwhelmed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Normally, he is overwhelmed because there are so many 'jobs' that must be handled to escort guests who need his tour & travel services, but recently, he admitted that he was overwhelmed by the lack of 'jobs' which made him swerve into an impromptu 'Youtuber' with years of experience. years managing the Tour & Travel business. A Decky Hermana, who is fondly called Mas Decky, in this new normal period is

Donating in New Normal Era

Image by  angiechaoticcrooks0  from  Pixabay   This pandemic is felt by everyone, especially people who need a 'helping hand', and with conditions that tend to be unpredictable as of now, those who are affected are forced to make adjustments to their life priorities. Before the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, it could be that donation activities were carried out regularly and with a fairly good financial situation, encouraging people to be more generous. It is a challenge for donation channeling institutions to work hard to collect valuable coffers to be distributed to those who are entitled. Strategies in the period before the Covid-19 pandemic may of course no longer be relevant to current conditions. One of the organizations that has successfully persisted with a persuasive strategy to maintain public awareness of the importance of donations is an organization known as ACT (Aksi Cepat Tanggap). ACT has several branch offices, one of whi

Yogyakarta Resident Vaccination Reaches 75.54%

Image Yogyakarta (22/09/2021) – After the acceleration of vaccination in DIY, the percentage of Covid-19 vaccination in DIY has reached 75.54% and is expected to touch 80% in October. In theory, communal immunity with vaccination achievements of this number is almost well established. Although it can be said that conditions in DIY tend to improve, the central government still has not lowered the PPKM DIY level from level 3 to 2. This is because there are additional parameters to reduce PPKM levels during this pandemic. If previously the parameters were mortality rate, hospital bed occupancy and the number of cases, now the parameters are increased by vaccine coverage which must be 80%. In addition, there is another additional parameter, namely from the total number of elderly, more than 60% must have been vaccinated. Several obstacles are still being faced, such as the distribution of vaccines from the center which is not yet commensurate with the total

Vaksinasi Penduduk Yogyakarta Mencapai 75,54%

sumber: Yogyakarta (22/09/2021) – Pasca dilakukan percepatan vaksinasi di DIY, persentase vaksinasi Covid -19 di DIY telah mencapai angka 75,54 % dan diperkirakan dapat menyentuh angka 80% pada Oktober mendatang. Secara teori, kekebalan komunal dengan capaian vaksinasi sebesar angka tersebut sudah hampir terbentuk dengan baik. Meskipun saat ini bisa dikatakan kondisi di DIY sudah cenderung membaik, namun pemerintah pusat masih belum menurunkan level PPKM DIY dari level 3 menuju 2. Hal ini karena ada tambahan parameter untuk menurunkan level PPKM di masa pandemi ini. Jika sebelumnya parameternya adalah angka kematian, keterisian  bed  rumah sakit dan jumlah angka kasus, maka saat ini parameter diambah dengan cakupan vaksin yang harus 80 %. Selain itu, ada parameter tambahan lain yaitu dari seluruh jumlah lansia, lebih dari 60% harus sudah divaksinasi. Beberapa kendala tetap dihadapi seperti distribusi vaksin dari pusat yang belum seban