Yogyakarta Resident Vaccination Reaches 75.54%


Yogyakarta (22/09/2021) jogjaprov.go.id – After the acceleration of vaccination in DIY, the percentage of Covid-19 vaccination in DIY has reached 75.54% and is expected to touch 80% in October. In theory, communal immunity with vaccination achievements of this number is almost well established.

Although it can be said that conditions in DIY tend to improve, the central government still has not lowered the PPKM DIY level from level 3 to 2. This is because there are additional parameters to reduce PPKM levels during this pandemic. If previously the parameters were mortality rate, hospital bed occupancy and the number of cases, now the parameters are increased by vaccine coverage which must be 80%. In addition, there is another additional parameter, namely from the total number of elderly, more than 60% must have been vaccinated.

Several obstacles are still being faced, such as the distribution of vaccines from the center which is not yet commensurate with the total target. In addition, the public's interest is quite high but it is constrained in accessing vaccination locations or it also clashes with working hours. The number of non-DIY ID cards is also quite an obstacle. However, Pemjun ensures that these obstacles are currently being handled properly. So that he and his staff are ready to provide optimal services related to vaccinations to the community.



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