Donating in New Normal Era

Image by angiechaoticcrooks0 from Pixabay 

This pandemic is felt by everyone, especially people who need a 'helping hand', and with conditions that tend to be unpredictable as of now, those who are affected are forced to make adjustments to their life priorities. Before the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, it could be that donation activities were carried out regularly and with a fairly good financial situation, encouraging people to be more generous.

It is a challenge for donation channeling institutions to work hard to collect valuable coffers to be distributed to those who are entitled. Strategies in the period before the Covid-19 pandemic may of course no longer be relevant to current conditions. One of the organizations that has successfully persisted with a persuasive strategy to maintain public awareness of the importance of donations is an organization known as ACT (Aksi Cepat Tanggap).

ACT has several branch offices, one of which is in Yogyakarta. ACT is a donation channeling institution that collaborates with the fin-tech platform GoPay to make it easier for donors to channel their donated funds.

ACT also collaborates with a verified digital crowdfunding platform, namely 'Kita Bisa' ( which facilitates a more expansive collection of donation funds, in addition to ACT's official website (, this institution is also affiliated with the official website for fundraising donations, namely 'Indonesia Dermawan' ( and the 'Global Zakat' website ( This humanitarian donation network facilitates donors with various communication platforms, ranging from group messenger applications to virtual accounts to facilitate donation activities by utilizing account numbers that have been registered in their system so that donors do not have to bother confirming.


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